Local Council Election Results in Scotland…

…can always be relied upon to throw up a few surprises and may not accurately reflect the voting intentions of a constituency as a whole in a general election setting.Local Council Results There are many reasons for this, one of them being that well known and well liked local people are more likely to put themselves forward as a candidate in this situation.

These people generally attract good support because they are a familiar face on the streets of the area they wish to represent and have excellent knowledge of the locality. Therefore, they feel that their voice will make a difference to the way things are run in their area. Its all done with good intention, but when they find themselves in a room with many other elected representatives who all want some of the available money for projects in their catchment area, their efforts can be futile. Unless, that is, they become part of one of the many groups which are formed in order to push through a particular issue.

This doesn’t sit well with many councillors who stood solely to gain benefits for their own area. Suddenly they find themselves voting on issues which are far removed from their agenda, in order that the people who’s issues they voted for will vote favourably for theirs when the time eventually comes. Meanwhile the electorate are impatiently waiting for election promises to be fulfilled, most of which never are , due to the painfully slow nature of council business and pecking order. Many first time councillors are discouraged and don’t stand at the next election.

Surprises usually come in the shape of an unlikely party winning a seat in an area where there was thought to be no possibility of it doing so, and new parties gaining their first seats. One such party is ” The Rubbish Party “, who are totally new to the scene, winning their first seat after running a successful campaign based on cleaning up the streets.

Surprises also came in a couple of unlikely Tory wins in places where, one would have thought, angels would have feared to tread, far less a Tory candidate. Of particular personal interest was Ferguslie Park in Paisley where the Tories won for the first time ever. I canvassed there in a Parliamentary by election for an SNP candidate back in the 80’s, along with 2 other activists and apart from one altercation , we were given safe passage and allowed to witness one of the most deprived areas in Britain at the time. However, we knew that our presence wasn’t welcome and we didn’t overstay. So it was with some amusement that I read the news that a Tory candidate had been successful there. Things change and I sincerely hope that it has changed for the better for the people of Ferguslie.

Other results were much as predicted, with Tories gaining seats across Britain in what were once Labour strongholds. This gives an indication of how things may pan out in the June election, but nothing is set in stone. However, our Prime Minister must be sighing with some relief, as her totally unnecessary decision to hold an election, might be vindicated. However, there are still some hurdles to be overcome regarding election fraud and a report on Tory abuse of human rights to be published by the United Nations, which can be found here.

Tomorrow’s French election will be the deciding factor in which way Europe will be progressing for the foreseeable future. I don’t wish Macron upon France nor anywhere else, but should he be elected, it may give the British electorate a timely reminder of what is coming their way. I’m almost sure that half of the population are suffering from a type of Stockholm Syndrome.

I honestly hope that we can avoid the future which is preordained for us, but I fear that we have left it too late.


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Milestone Time Again…

…and a chance to give myself a congratulatory pat on the back for an achievement which couldn’t even be contemplated just a couple of years ago. milestone time againThe milestone in this case being, that this is article #300 to be published on this website in the 15 months since it began.

A few statistics, but not too many, or I’ll end up sounding like a Tory. Three hundred articles containing an average of 600 words each amounts to some 180,000 words. To put that into perspective, that’s the equivalent of three average length novels or a third of ” War and Peace “. Not bad for an old soak, even though I say it myself, considering I could barely sign my own name 5 years ago. On some occasions I had trouble remembering it.

Of course, just because I’ve found the ability to put 180,000 words in order on my computer’s monitor, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are all good words arranged in well constructed sentences. I’m quietly pleased with much of my work but I’m well aware that some of it doesn’t even scratch the surface of what might be considered ” good prose “.

However, for me, that isn’t the sum total of the purpose of doing this. Recovery from addiction, like everything else we choose to invest our time and ourselves in, should have some long term benefits. Otherwise, what is the point of doing it ? If I didn’t find pleasure and satisfaction in what I do, with no financial incentive, then I’m doing it wrong.

I had many opportunities to embrace a different lifestyle during the performing years. Each time I was buoyed with the exhilaration of my newly found sobriety and set about radically changing everything in my life. Which is no bad thing. Just not all at once. My brain had never had time to recover and was still divided between the life I aspired to and the disaster area I had not long departed. Its not hard to guess which one prevailed, and the time span between each episode became shorter, until barely negligible, as time went by.

Not until we stop using whichever substance we use, do we who choose an addictive lifestyle realise that it comes with no benefits…at all. There are no profits. We aren’t on a ladder to the top of our profession. The only ladders to be scaled are in a downward direction.

Our drug of choice doesn’t tell us that, of course. It convinces us otherwise and our drug affected brains tell us that we are doing the right thing, no matter that the body is screaming for vitamins and food, and that we writhe in self induced pain and discomfort until our drug can be administered. Only then do we experience a peace of sorts, which brings with it , the inspiration to seek out more sources of what, we are now convinced, works for us.

Many in recovery start from whichever lowly position in society they have managed to attain, and can’t be blamed for trying to extricate themselves from the situation they find themselves in. My personal choices to relapse came from the sheer dissatisfaction in whatever I had, all too quickly, set out to do, and reverting to addiction was what I knew best. It was the only way I knew of stamping my foot and getting my own way. Which also ensured a hasty exit from the situation I was in.

Previously, I was always in a hurry to get to some unknown destination. Although, this time, the final destination is still unclear, apart from the obvious, there have been many stops along the way. These stops and the short journeys in between have given me chance to get to know myself a bit better. To find out what my likes and dislikes really are and allow my brain time to heal. A chance to develop real emotions and opinions, and experience real freedom of choice on a personal level.

No one said reality was easy, and at times it might seem preferable to revert to type, but I, personally, couldn’t do it all over again, nor want to. The time I have invested in where I am today is the best investment I’ve ever made. I’ll never be rich or have a well provided for lifestyle, but by allowing myself time to learn about myself, I’ll be able to make informed decisions about how my future is shaped.

So, to all in recovery, remember to pat yourself on the back for even the smallest achievements. No one else will, because they see what you are doing as ” normal “, and haven’t the slightest idea of how much personal angst, courage and personal resolve it has taken to accomplish the simplest of tasks. All the personal pats on the back lead to something much more valuable, which is self approval and inner confidence.

P.S. Don’t be straining any muscles by reaching over your shoulder. Just saying to yourself ” Well done ” once in a while fulfills the same purpose.


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Dissenter or Conspiracy Theorist…

…which flavour do you prefer ? It doesn’t matter really, they are both one and the same, only the term dissenter has been around for an awful lot longer than the term conspiracy theorist. I’ve given the definition of ” dissent ” below courtesy of Dictionary.com :

verb (used without object)


to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from):
Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision.


to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.


to disagree with or reject the doctrines or authority of an established church.



difference of sentiment or opinion.


disagreement with the philosophy, methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government.


separation from an established church, especially the Church of England; nonconformity.

#2 gives a perfect description of how a conspiracy theorist is regarded and portrayed by the mainstream media. Only the label is different. Dissenter or Conspiracy TheoristBut to class conspiracy theorists in the same vein as famous dissenters like Noam Chomsky, G. Edward Griffin, Alan Watts Howard Zinn and David Icke who also have many other strings to their bows, would be lending credence to the conspiracy theorists ideas which may just as well have been picked up off the street, as far as the mainstream media are concerned.

So, what’s in a word ? Quite a bit in this case. The term ” conspiracy theorist ” was invented and used by the mainstream media as a derogatory term, designed to negate any effect that an opposing view to the government’s might have, and to dismiss it out of hand as nonsensical and crazy.

The conspiracy theorist him/herself is mostly described as some kind of nutter who may or may not have a mentally debilitating illness, and lives on some far away planet of his own, isolated from the real world, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Dissenters, however, are regarded in a manner never afforded to conspiracy theorists. Why ? Because they are academics and scholars is why. And because of the scholarly nature of their opinions, they are deemed worth listening to and paying heed to, except by the majority of their academic and scholarly colleagues who are too embroiled in the money side of academia to publicly acknowledge the validity of their arguments, lest their gravy train grinds to a halt.

Another why ? Because dissenters are also labelled as philosophers, and we all know what that means. A philosopher conjures up a vision of a man with long white hair and a white beard who sits around all day in a Grecian style portico, thinking. I could think of better ways to spend my time as could most of us. We are all philosophers to a greater or lesser degree. If we have a brain and think, then we have a right to assume the title ” philosopher “. Try telling them that on the next visit to the job centre.

We are conditioned from an early age to accept that certain people are our superiors. Not so. Just because someone spends more time than you on an activity in which you are not really interested does not grant them superiority and the reverse is also true. I firmly believe that, given the right training and circumstances, all human beings are more than capable of doing any job. Which is the reason why the best and most lucrative jobs are so fiercely protected by the incumbents and why information is so difficult to extract from them.

Where do conspiracy theorists get their ideologies ? From their own original thought processes and other dissenters I would imagine. For myself, I couldn’t believe the astonishing ineptitude of those in office and decided to try to find out who actually runs the show. That led me to watch hundreds hours of videos and read many written articles, taking notes as I did so, and I could imagine the same scenario taking place in makeshift workstations all over the world. After that it was simply a matter of applying some of what I had learnt to the real life situations developing in front of my very eyes.

Therefore, I would think twice in future about labeling someone a conspiracy theorist. For the most part these people are not nutters, as the press would have us believe. Their theories are well thought out with roots in academia ( if such an endorsement is really necessary ) and if you take notice, you’ll see that no one wants to debate them. Only shut them down.

Dissent is nothing new. It’s happening right now, perhaps within your own family, as your kids conspire not to do their daily chores, but it isn’t going to bring the house crashing down and with a bit of diplomacy the situation will end amicably. Dissent is healthy in any society because it brings to light any faults in the system and provokes dialogue. The fact that the modern day dissenters are being vilified and their theories being trodden underfoot, demonstrates the seriousness with which administrations actually take them, as they are dangerous to to the government’s agenda.

If proof is needed, look no further than the climate change non event which is apparently all our fault. A whole industry, making billions for the corporations, grew up around this theory and just today I read that scientists, who also made millions from this theory by keeping the myth alive, no longer have a consensus on the matter. ” Conspiracy theorists ” have been saying for years that it was a whitewash.

Conspiracy theorist or dissenter seems still to be up for debate, but it’s only a battle of words and their meaning to whomsoever uses them. The end product is the same in each case and not the product of crystal ball gazing or reading tea leaves left behind in a china cup.


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Restoring Your Confidence In Someone…

…once it has been breached, is never as simple as just going back to how things were before. Restoring Your ConfidenceAfter all, someone has just taken your trust and respect for them and dashed it against a wall. Therefore, depending on the circumstances, restoring your confidence usually takes some time, during which, a rebuilding of trust can can be allowed to happen.

However, things are never quite the same as they were first time round. Now, an element of doubt has been thrown into the mix and when an ambiguous situation arises, a decision has to be made by you whether to give the person the benefit of that doubt or not, bearing in mind their past behaviour.

I find myself in that very situation regarding Donald Trump’s recent act of aggression in Syria, if indeed, it was he who was the creator of the piece and implementer of the operation.

I saw Trump’s ascension to President as a good thing and although I’m many thousands of miles away, he had my support throughout the campaign and since. His policy of ” America First ” was an admirable step to take in the globalist atmosphere which is being thrust upon us. I naively thought that, by later this year, the troops would be heading home, having withdrawn from the Middle East.

Then Syria happened on Thursday.

We could analyze this till the cows come home and still be no further forward, but I haven’t felt so disappointed since I discovered the possibility that Father Christmas might not exist. It all came on the back of the announcement that overthrowing Assad would no longer be the priority case for the Americans earlier in the week. Then, all of a sudden, it was once more. It was like watching them do the Hokey Cokey. In, out, shake Assad about.

As I said previously, this indicated to me that leaving Assad alone was not part of the bigger picture and the master plan that the Establishment have for Syria. It also indicated to me that, although Trump may have carte blanche to do what he will within the confines of the United States of America, anything outwith these confines is not within his jurisdiction. Enter, the Council on Foreign Relations.

It would seem that most Americans are unaware of just how much the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve affect their daily lives, just as we in Britain are only vaguely aware of the existence of Chatham House and other private clubs, where many of the policies which affect us are drawn up. These ” think tanks ” are owned and manned privately by corporations and heads of wealthy institutions, sometimes not even from our own countries, and because our elected members seem to be economy driven, they pander to these people who have only profit in mind. They should have no influence whatsoever in the running of our countries or our relationships with other nations.

Draining the swamp is no easy task and unless the bombing of the Syrian airfield was part of a cunning ruse by Donald Trump to further that end, I fear that he will be restricted, as were John F Kennedy and President Eisenhower before him. I could almost accept that Trump and his advisers acted independently of the Council on Foreign Relations, but in that case I would like to see the pictures of the CFR members diving for cover under the boardroom table, awaiting retaliation from Moscow. If the opposite is true then Trump will merely exist as the place at which the buck stops, and as a mouthpiece for a non governmental institution of which Dick Cheney was once Director, a fact which he kept secret from the electorate, and Hilary Clinton went to for advice on foreign policy whilst in government. You Tube video here.

On that basis, I’m prepared to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt. The amazingly speedy reversal of  Assad’s status spoke volumes, as did the the ensuing action. It all points to a stitch-up in my opinion. Although my confidence is dented, I’m sure it will be fully restored when he manages to abolish or dismantle the Council on Foreign Relations and all that it stands for. My swamp draining manual states that every last piece of shit should be removed before attempting any renovation work.

Sober Vision

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Self Consciousness – The Greatest Obstacle to Creativity…

…is a premise which might apply to many of we aspiring creators and because of this self consciousness, many promising futures in art, writing and music have been stopped in their tracks by the  self imposed idea that the work we produce is not good enough.self consciousness

Good enough for what ? This depends very much on the end purpose of many hours spent producing a personal work of art. Many artists choose to make a living from their work and these people must be supremely self confident in the knowledge that their work is good enough for the public to spend money on their products.

Just as many , if not more, do the rounds of galleries and publishers and auditions and are rewarded with the confidence draining experience of rejection.

Taking writing as an example, I wonder how many unfinished or barely started literary efforts are lying in blue and pink folders, in cupboards under the stairs all over the country. All because someone suddenly decided for themselves that no one would want to read their work anyway. Paraphrasing Ian Rankin, he said that in order to be a successful writer, first off one has to write, and write a lot. Then one has to get lucky ( publisher etc ), and stay lucky.

Authors will tell you that it is very hard to make a living from writing but I can’t help but think that there is a bit of underlying self interest involved. Writing is a cut throat business and, with the advent of computers, publishers are inundated with manuscripts from all quarters and can afford to be selective as to which titles they wish to see on the bookshelves attached to their name. Marketing is strategically fierce and self publishers can find themselves sunk without trace because of the affordability of taking part in the race.

So why would anyone want to dip their toe in the shark infested pool which is the literary world ?

Personally, I still regard it as a minor miracle that  I began and persevered with what started off an exercise. A miracle, because of my life dedicated to addiction and all the pitfalls which came as part and parcel of that. A miracle, because I was at my lowest ebb mentally and even lacked the self confidence to go to a shop alone. My saving grace was my lifelong interest in computers and the ability to accomplish most tasks on them. However, I knew that, if and when I started to write, it wasn’t going to be something that was put in a drawer and forgotten about and I published what I wrote on a free WordPress site, and eventually built my own site.

I’ve never made a single penny from writing and I don’t suppose I ever will. I’m plagued by self consciousness and as long as that is present I’m unlikely to realise my full potential. I sometimes wonder how many other people are in the same boat. Afraid to say something because it might offend someone. Afraid to say something which may sound pretentious to others. Afraid of stirring up the trolls who might wish to offer their own particular brand of critique. Deciding which side of the fence to be on as the already small readership is divided. Going with or against the flow of internet opinion. Afraid that the research on a topic is erroneous thereby risking the little integrity that had been built thus far. Afraid, mostly, that no one will like your work and therefore , you personally.

Despite all that, I’ve kept writing and publishing several times a week. The reason being that it is good for me and that’s what is important. I’m not saying that other people’s opinions are irrelevant because we all like to have our ego massaged now and again and I still get a buzz when an author follows me on Twitter. This is usually to promote their own latest work and I doubt if they even glanced at mine, but I’m grateful nonetheless.

Its difficult to get over the self consciousness hurdle and I can understand completely why people start then stop after a short period. The computer and internet have taken much of the hard work out of writing. No more having to sit in libraries, surrounded by a pile of reference books and taking copious notes on an A4 pad with a pen ( remember them? ), then going home to assimilate the information into something which others will understand. It can mostly be done from the comfort of your own home.

I’ve found, with writing, that my approach of not expecting anything at the end of it, rarely leaves me disappointed. I still have the satisfaction of having accomplished something which was totally alien to me just a few short years ago and it lets me express my current thought processes which are more more beneficial to me in an article, than buzzing around my head all day.

I mentioned before how therapeutic writing can be and I would recommend it to anyone. Don’t worry about what you are going to write about. Our present governments are supplying us with fresh material every day, which is just begging for our opinion.


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Britain’s Part in the European Experiment…

…will start drawing to a close today as a letter, signed by our Prime Minister, is delivered to the European Parliament.Britain's Part in the European Experiment The exit of Britain from this prestigious club has caused mixed emotions, both home and abroad. There exists, amongst those who have known nothing else but Britain as a member of the EU, an uncertainty about our future.

As someone who just missed, because of my age, the opportunity to vote in the original referendum which took us into the European Experiment, I am still able to remember what life was like before we entered and what happened after we entered.

I’ll begin with what happened after we entered, which won’t take long, as it is a tale of steady decline of our traditional industries, the turning of our country into a tourist destination and a haven for benefit migrants along with establishing a still thriving money laundering centre which generates a false impression of the health of our economy. The unemployment rate since joining the EU has always risen, no matter how much you juggle the statistics, and the divide between rich and poor has increased.

Before joining the club, Britain was an independently thriving nation, which looked after it’s own. First and foremost, we were an exporting nation, with other nations eager to buy the goods we produced. We had a merchant fleet to transport these goods and many people were employed in this sector. My favourite soapbox subject, the fishing industry, was huge and employed hundreds of thousands of people. After all, what is the point of living on an island if you can’t fish the waters which surround it ?

Similarly the farming industry. Before the EU, farmers grew crops mainly for the home market with any surplus being exported. Now they are paid subsidies to set aside land and not grow anything. Or they rent vast areas of land to the corporations who supply the supermarket chains, where much of the produce ends up as land fill.

At one point, pre EU, we had a shipbuilding industry and an automotive industry and we manufactured the steel with which these ships and vehicles were built. Other industries which people were proud to be employed by.

All trades were flourishing and young people were taken straight from school into apprenticeships which would equip them for good jobs in the future. There used to be local hospitals which were equipped to deal with most problems without the necessity of a long journey to be endured. Food banks were non existent and charities were never overburdened. Although hardship existed in some cases, the majority seemed to have enough

In short, before becoming an EU partner, we imported very little. Anything we needed could be produced here, in Britain, including the workers we needed to effect production, therefore unemployment was low. The knock-on effect of the main industries stimulated the growth of many other smaller concerns to support them.  And because of this ability to be self sufficient with no immediate threat of another invasion from abroad there was a sense of freedom and genuine happiness among the people, combined with a caring nature which is notably absent today. Our traditional way of life was dismantled in order not to directly compete with other member nations with nothing being put in it’s place to compensate.

I’m not indulging in nostalgia because these were not particularly pleasant times for me due to other circumstances, but I used to take note of what was happening around me before I eventually descended into the abyss of addiction and a hazy 40 years slid by.

The words ” progress “, “developing nation ” and ” Western civilization ” are often used in describing our present situation. The European Social Experiment will go down in history as the only one which has taken progression, development and civilization in a backward direction.

I’m not saying it would be useful to go back to the ” good old days “, but there are many relevant examples there which could be embraced in modern culture, without venturing down the dangerous global route where Mrs May seems intent on leading us. I think we had a lucky escape. Luckier because we kept our own currency. So Teresa May’s plans are exactly what the phrase, ” from the frying pan into the fire ” epitomises.

My last word ( for today ) is that Japan, Russia and America are taking actions to look after the welfare of their own people, first and above all else. Given Britain’s present fortunate situation, this and future governments would be well advised to do the same, before embarking on any more ” experiments “.

One of the best bits of advice I got in Alcoholics Anonymous was that one should make sure that everything was in order at home before venturing out to become involved in other issues. Governments are very good at trying to impose philosophical theories upon us. Perhaps they should give this one a try.


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The Technological Revolution

…seems to be about to render work as we know it, null and void, as machines are being introduced to accomplish every task we are used to doing ourselves as a matter of course. A Technological Revolution of sorts was being projected when I was a kid, but not in the way we see it today.the technological revolution

The Technological Revolution which was promoted some 45 to 50 years ago was one that would make our lives easier and cut down the hours we would have to work, thereby allowing us to enjoy more leisure time and to spend time nurturing the offspring we had produced.

However, because of circumstances we should have been able to control, but didn’t, the exact opposite seems to have happened.

Nowadays, people are working more and spending more hours away from home. Some are juggling minimal hours or zero hour contracts at different locations in order to make a living salary. Leisure hours are frantic affairs with parents cramming as much of their spare time as possible with child orientated activities, having little time for themselves, then its back to work at the beginning of a new week when the cycle starts all over again.

Many have said in the past that life is too short and that life is meant to be enjoyed. I doubt that the above is anyone’s idea of ” fun “, so why do we keep on relentlessly doing it ? Because, that’s the way we do things, seems to be the only available answer. We get up in the morning. We go to work. We come home. We go to bed. At the end of the month , someone puts money into our bank account as a reward for having served our employer to his satisfaction over that period.

It appears scant reward for our giving what is the most precious thing we have, which is time on this earth. Yes. we are given money in return for our labour, which allows us the ability to partake in some of life’s manufactured and dubious pleasures. If no one had noticed before now, nothing is free any more. If the government knew that I enjoyed the view from the front door of my home they would probably charge for that too. No reward is sufficient for the amount of valuable time we spend in manufacturing products which will end up in landfill.

When I was growing up, it wasn’t necessary for both parents to work. One parent working would provide for the whole household, leaving one at home to look after the kids. At this time, we children still had respect for our parents and didn’t treat them like friends or worse. So it was essential to be straight home after school and do things like homework, before going out to play. In short, there was always an adult at home and much time was spent doing things as a family.

My Mother went to work in my early teens and all hell broke loose, I have to say. No one in the house all day and I had the key. I had school dinners for the first time in my life and was able to enjoy the same freedoms as other kids who took them, once lunch was over. This would usually involve smoking as many cigarettes as possible before afternoon class started and making plans for after school. Our family was never the same again. It was beyond the comprehension of a teenager, as it still is now, how, when we had a good lifestyle as things stood, a move which was meant to enhance this lifestyle just made things worse.

So, despite all these labour saving devices, instead of creating more comfortable lifestyles, the amount of labour required has increased by many hundred percent of what was once regarded as the national workforce. Until now, when robotic machinery is playing an ever increasing role in the workplace.

Machines have enormous benefits for employers. It takes all the hard work and headaches out of employing a human to to do the same job. No wages to pay, no strikes, no arguments on the shop floor about the best way to do something, no contracts of employment. A machine just gets on quietly with what it has to do for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, with minimal input from a human being, and this seems to be the future as far as manufacturing and even farming are concerned. Retail is some way down the line already as we barely have to move from our chair to effect a purchase.

It will be interesting to see what the powers that be have in store for all the newly made redundant populus. I wonder if this could be why there are so many basic income experiments being carried out around the world at the moment, or is there something more sinister afoot ? The former will bring about a form of global communism and it will be interesting to guage the reactions of the, usually benign, middle classes, as the poor are elevated to their status. What will be even more interesting is if the reverse happens.

Acceptance will be the key for that to work along with education from an early age, and judging from the quality of protests we see, progress is already being made in that direction.

As ever, only valuable time will tell.


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European General Elections…

…get underway today with the Dutch elections, amidst the rumbling undertones of protest from Turkey , of all places.European General Elections Holland and other European countries have denied Turkey and their representatives permission to hold rallies within their borders.

Turkish citizens have flooding into Europe, Germany in particular, for decades, and it has largely gone unreported in Britain, and probably in Europe also. I got to know about this first hand some 15 years ago during a friendship with a German lady, who expressed concern about the number of immigrants even then. Similar to the South coast of France which has been rehoming North Africans since I was there as a boy. Again my knowledge is gained first hand from relatives who lived in Toulouse.

In my own opinion, what seems to be happening, is, that although people come to live and work in a different country, their allegiance is still with the country they came from, instead of fully adopting the customs and traditions of their new home.

The whole point of emigrating, as I used to see it, was to go somewhere that a better quality life was perceived. My Father always wanted to take the family to Australia. However, I think his reasons may have been a touch selfish as he loved the sunshine. Whatever his reasoning was, it certainly wasn’t with the intention of banding together with other Brits to eventually overthrow the Australian administration in a couple of decades, at the expense of the culture and traditions of native Australians.

I assume that many Turks will have dual nationality and that Mr Erdogan will have assessed that there are enough Turkish citizens living in Europe now to warrant their own representation, in his view, and that someone from Turkey should be telling them why and how to vote. This was always going to be an issue in any country with large immigration as less partisan politicians court a huge guaranteed vote, like the Union votes, some time ago, which always went to the Labour Party.

From what I can gather, scholars and academics have always speculated that this would happen and governments have always been made aware. Yet nothing has ever been done to minimize or prevent the problem as financial benefits would appear to outweigh the health and well being of the public. Ethnic communities thrive in every city and never a word is said, because people don’t want to be tagged with the ” r ” word. Integration has never materialised and I doubt that integration was ever the intention of many of the immigrant groups. The result is that another society has been allowed to take root and grow within an already existing society, which does not recognise the values of the hosting nation. As their numbers grow , so does their confidence and their demands that we modify our lifestyles to suit their’s.

I would have never ending admiration for the person who can sort this problem by diplomacy alone. Immigration is on a roll. Certain members have made their intentions very clear and have an end in sight which is not for the native population’s benefit. As usual, in our attempts to be fair and nice and bowing down to pressure groups and name calling, we have allowed ourselves to be trampled upon by forces who can’t believe how easy it all was.

Need more evidence? I would ask you to cast your mind back to the Indian Prime Minister’s visit when he filled a football stadium with Indian/British or British/Indians. David Cameron, Prime Minister at the time, would have been lucky to fill the first row at one end on his own.

Statistics say that it only takes 0.3% of the population to set an ideal in motion and make the population generally aware of a situation. As things stand, 0.3% of the indigenous population is far greater than the same percentage of the immigrant population so there seems to be a lot of catching up and waking up to do.

Sociologists promote the ” end of an Empire ” theory and the inevitability of what is happening. They say that the process has turned full circle and that its time for someone else to dictate what happens in the world. This may be so or not, but, either way, it doesn’t mean we have to make it easy for them.


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If Governments Were Honest…

… they would probably tell us that what they would like above all else is something they could add to the water supply which would make each and every one of us into the calm, obedient servants they would prefer, in order that they could get on with doing things that THEY think governments should be doing. if governments were honest

Governments don’t just think about today or tomorrow. Some are working on plans from external sources which encompass the next 50 years or so, and for these plans to reach fruition, the same political party doesn’t even have to be in office. With the benefit of hindsight, its possible to see that, despite there having been several changes of administration over the last fifty years, things have generally gone from bad to worse with each successive government, as policies and social experiments fail to meet expectations.

Today’s governments are tasked with achieving ambitious targets which are obviously detrimental to those selected for target practice. Their attitude would seem to be, ” What price a little death and social unrest if the end result result complies with the allocated target ? “, as another piece of the puzzle is inserted into someone else’s Utopian jigsaw. Everything seems to have gone ” tits up “, as it were, with our elected officials subservient to some New World Order instead of we, the people. Stop electing them might be the answer, as they have done in America, but Britain needs new blood in the system if that were to succeed. That doesn’t mean you, Tony Blair. You were tried, tested and miserably failed.

Talking about killing. Population or depopulation targets seem to be an intrinsic part of the plan for the future, ( see, The Georgia Guidestones ). It is a well known fact that fluoridation of the water supply has been implemented over the years. the georgia gudestonesIt is a lesser known fact, at least in my part of the world, that fluoride is a waste product from the production of aluminium. Is there a problem with disposing of aluminium waste I wonder, as they spray aluminium particles from aircraft in the pretext of reflecting the sun’s rays to stop global warming. However, as we all know, what goes up must come down, and the very nature of microscopic particles mean that they can be easily ingested by humans and animals alike. Vegetation is coated and destroyed and our ocean and water courses and marine life is affected.

It comes as no surprise that none of these ideas are run by the public before being implemented at great expense to the taxpayer. They would have been laughed off the face of the planet. These particles were always meant to come down. Any person to have survived the second world war will remember the chaff that was released to deflect enemy radar. Is it still up there? Its safe to say no on this occasion, so why should this modern chaff be any different ? With opinions riding high on the existence or not of global warming and climate change, they are on precarious ground to suggest that they had the ability to deflect the heat and light and sheer power of the sun with particles.

The Earth ( in whichever shape ) has always been here and survived much worse than anything we ignorant humans can throw at it. It will save and heal itself. How arrogant of us to think we could possibly help, if , indeed, any healing process is required. It didn’t need saving during any other generation’s lifetime so why, all of a sudden, this one ? Scientists want to keep their research grants and politicians are their messengers who want to maintain their justification for existence could be a simplistic answer.

Politicians need to manufacture crises in order that we turn to them for help. It makes both parties think that they are valuable and essential to our daily lives, and there is nothing worse than a politician who believes he is valued or essential. Our morals, values and belief systems have been eroded by the cultural Marxists who infiltrated the upper echelons of our education systems and destroyed the concepts of family and religious faith so that the only thing left for people to trust was their government. It was beyond rational thought to the man in the street that these crises could be preordained and preconceived, but not any more.

People are waking up to what is going on and are aware of the little games politicians play with our lives and our health in their endless quest to balance the books. That won’t stop them trying unfortunately and in many cases it won’t stop them succeeding until everyone is reading from the same script. The one that states categorically , our rights as human beings, what that entitles us to, and what no other human being has the right to take away in any circumstance.

Our governments must be stopped governing by agenda, theory and experiment. Smaller is always better and more easily managed, as it could be in the case of Britain, instead of us trying to be a player in this globalisation nonsense where we are a nation of statistical entries on someone’s spreadsheet.

The revolution has begun and some results are already apparent. As they say in Formula 1 racing we have to ” keep pushing “, before another world war removes the possibility from our hands entirely.


more to come…

Yesterday’s Protest Against President Trump’s Visit…

…was yet another dazzling display of where priorities lie for some of the British public.protest Whilst they protest against one man visiting our country, our National Health Service is being quietly dismantled and sold off in the background, amongst other important issues.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the same amount of energy could be mustered for things that actually matter ? Of course, President Trump will be delighted to see that his motivational skills are working, but I don’t really think it will bother him too much. His attentions seem to be focused on his own country where he lives and works and a day out in the UK can always wait till some other time.

On the grand scale of things , Britain isn’t that important, although we would like to think we are. The only real point of interest in Britain for foreign governments is the City of London where the fiscal laundries exist. Apart from that, we have been stripped of anything that anyone else wants or needs that they can’t get cheaper somewhere else.

So, why do people rise up against things that have absolutely nothing to do with them directly ? Things which will have absolutely no impact on our lives and merely postpone the inevitability of President Trump visiting Britain at some point. The new American President has been a godsend for British politics. The mainstream media in the UK has presented Trump as the only thing that’s important right now and whilst everyone concentrates on Trump, our government has been pushing other issues through Parliament which WILL have an effect on our lives. While watching the right hand, we need to be keeping an eye on what the left hand is doing.

The mainstream media still has a large influence in Britain at the moment. This has become less in America as their lies have become exposed. So why should it be any different in the UK ? Our media is owned by the same corporations as America and, therefore, are subject to the same political agenda. Perhaps , as America recovers from the Obama/Bush years people will start to become more aware and stop relying on the television to dictate to them what they should be doing and how they should feel about situations.

Its with a degree of sadness and disappointment in certain groups of our society that I make these observations but hope that the awakening will come in time to arrest the prospect of martial law or a third world conflict.


more to come