Village Hall v Football Stadium…

…is a choice which a prospective prime ministerial candidate may have to make during their campaign, as a platform from which to seduce prospective electors with well chosen and well written rhetoric, and to answer honestly any questions the audience might have, in the full knowledge that the mainstream media are hanging on every word.village hall v football stadium A village hall is sometimes preferable should the candidate be in the process of building their support foundation.

Teresa May’s choice of a remote village hall on her meet and greet tour of Scotland came as no surprise. As a veteran of village hall meetings, I know that it doesn’t take many people to make a village hall look busy. The photographs taken at the meeting showed her tightly surrounded by her supporters, who obviously had nowhere else to go after they had been packed into the room. However, the illusion was complete and we were coerced into believing that she was engaging closely and warmly with the good people of Aberdeenshire. Or not, as the case may be.

It would have been a wonderfully ironic twist in proceedings if this had been the same hall from which the local food bank is run, but I don’t think we will see Teresa May near any of those, unless her fortunes take a real turn for the worse. Her complete ignorance ( ? ) of what goes on at the lower end of the income brackets was demonstrated on the BBC’s Marr show this morning, when she said that there were many complex reasons why someone goes to a food bank. Complex ? I can think of two overriding reasons why people go to food banks i.e. hunger and lack of money to buy food from the usual sources. And that is qualification enough I would say, without over complicating the matter as politicians like to do.

I find the whole idea of food banks, abhorrent. That they even exist in a country with so much wealth is a disgusting reflection on the Tory policies. That our government sends aid to foreign nations and feeds and rehomes refugees, whilst our own nationals sleep rough and eat poorly is a travesty of these times. Logic dictates that, if homelessness and poverty exist amongst the people who were born and bred in the UK and the government says that it cannot afford to address this problem, then surely it makes no sense to allow people of other nations to enter our country and overburden a system which, the government complain, is already over stretched.

These are issues which can’t be addressed by the people who were born and raised in this country without having every derogatory adjective beginning with ” anti ” or ” r ” in the dictionary being thrown at us by the well meaning, but woefully ignorant members of society, who are elevated enough to assume they have immunity from the effects of such issues. Or so they think.

Political correctness would prevent us from saying what we mean, when we want. Anything which deviates from this has the label ” hate-speech ” slapped upon it, although the definition of hate-speech depends entirely on the ear of the beholder. Perhaps we should be examining more closely the ” injured ” parties and those whom we dare not criticise. The ones who are enjoying an easy ride through all the turmoil and carnage which everyone else is experiencing and issuing orders which must be adhered to. Only then might we see some positive progress.

Teresa May might well have hired a football stadium to make her appearance in Aberdeen. The resulting reports in the main stream media would have been the same. Close up shots of her preaching to the converted, hiding the backdrop of an empty amphitheatre. No one would have known the difference, apart from the hand picked players in the piece, now sworn to silence.

So, village hall/football stadium makes no difference to the Tory leader under the conditions she has laid down on the way she wants to conduct her campaign. She could quite easily photoshop her way through to election day. Meantime, we must let her know that her policies are no longer acceptable and that we withdraw our consent to be governed by such rules.

Because we all took our collective eye off the ball, we now inhabit a prison of our own making. Its time now to take back the keys of our kingdom.


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If Mutton-Headed Mugwump…

…is the best insult a Foreign Secretary can muster to describe the Leader of the Opposition, it only goes to demonstrate the ever widening chasm between government and ordinary people. ” Mutton-headed ” is self explanatory and ” mugwump ” indicates the genre of literature that our Foreign Secretary prefers.mutton-headed mugwump Had Boris Johnson been more in touch with things at street level he would have picked up some more appropriate and profoundly wounding put downs by now.

Its very reminiscent of the language used in books I read as a child. Very Billy Bunteresque. All the boys slept together in the ” dorms ” and there was always a nasty older boy as the head of the dorm who gave his younger charges called ” fags “, a damn good thrashing if they didn’t conform with his rules. This to me was as fictional as fiction ever got, because if anyone, head boy or not, tried that at my school, his days on this earth would have been drastically reduced.

It wasn’t until some time later in my life when I got the chance to visit Windsor for an afternoon. On most streets I witnessed many morning-suited ” oiks ” from Eton visiting the highly priced commercial establishments there. After a few minutes, the thought occurred to me that what I was witnessing here was the future government, heads of corporations and banking cartels of a future Britain, which is what the wealth of their parents allows them to be groomed to do. They seldom visit our streets, but instead, are taught about what happens there, and the people who inhabit them.

Therefore, Boris Johnson will certainly go down in history. Not for his untested diplomatic skills as Foreign Secretary, but as a politician who called the Labour Party leader, a ” mutton-headed mugwump “, although there is no denying that the phrase itself holds a certain charm.

Less charming is another phrase which has entered the Tory propaganda machine language. Strong and Stable. Mrs May has uttered this countless times over the past few days during her visits to empty factories in Wales and speeches to heavily sedated work forces. Its rumoured that even hardened Tory activists are threatening to put down their knitting and leap from high buildings if they hear it again.

Surely, the phrase befits more, the description of a mature malt whiskey or a fine vintage wine. Not a bunch of confused aging millionaires who are attempting to ruin a country.

The worrying thing about all of this, despite a less than strong leadership and their list of transgressions growing longer by the day, is that it would appear the Tories will be elected again with a record majority, expending very little effort in the process. That bears no resemblance to what could be termed as reasonable sense and demonstrates just how unaware of reality we have become.

People seem to have become reliant on others to make sure that the right thing is done and cast their votes accordingly. The problem with this approach is that whilst everyone is relying on someone else to do the hard graft, nothing is getting done, because no one is doing it in sufficient numbers to have an effect, and those who do are easily suppressed and ignored.

It seems to have gone largely unnoticed that this government are privatising every public service once owned by we, the people who use them. Our government in our present political system is essentially a not for profit organisation. It exists to provide services for us. Private companies and corporations have no such obligation and exist purely for the benefit of their shareholders. Their existence is exclusively based upon profit and they are under no pressure to maintain or run an unprofitable service. They are able to make cuts and reduce staffing levels in order to balance the books and can raise and lower prices at will.

That’s what we have to look forward to if we return a Tory government in June, yet no one seems to notice. The return of a Tory government, with the majority which is projected, would give them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted, yet no one seems to notice. Only when their policies start to have a hard hitting effect on the middle classes, will people start to pay attention and begin to voice their protest. And at the same time, they will be asking why no one did anything about this before, in complete ignorance that poverty and reliance on state benefits render a person voiceless, as far as public affairs are concerned.

As we head towards plutocracy ( def. ), we have to ask ourselves if a revolution is avoidable. Protests will be to no avail as, indeed, they are not at present. Petitions will be discussed as the law demands , then voted out of existence, as the government exercise, what we will come to know as, their power. To exercise power per se, was never the intended purpose of a democratically elected government, but it looks as if that is exactly what we will get.

Unless , of course, we can all come together in June, by setting aside all the nit picking differences which prevent us from voting for an alternative, thus bringing about an end to this awful tyranny and making sure it never happens again.


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The Technological Revolution

…seems to be about to render work as we know it, null and void, as machines are being introduced to accomplish every task we are used to doing ourselves as a matter of course. A Technological Revolution of sorts was being projected when I was a kid, but not in the way we see it today.the technological revolution

The Technological Revolution which was promoted some 45 to 50 years ago was one that would make our lives easier and cut down the hours we would have to work, thereby allowing us to enjoy more leisure time and to spend time nurturing the offspring we had produced.

However, because of circumstances we should have been able to control, but didn’t, the exact opposite seems to have happened.

Nowadays, people are working more and spending more hours away from home. Some are juggling minimal hours or zero hour contracts at different locations in order to make a living salary. Leisure hours are frantic affairs with parents cramming as much of their spare time as possible with child orientated activities, having little time for themselves, then its back to work at the beginning of a new week when the cycle starts all over again.

Many have said in the past that life is too short and that life is meant to be enjoyed. I doubt that the above is anyone’s idea of ” fun “, so why do we keep on relentlessly doing it ? Because, that’s the way we do things, seems to be the only available answer. We get up in the morning. We go to work. We come home. We go to bed. At the end of the month , someone puts money into our bank account as a reward for having served our employer to his satisfaction over that period.

It appears scant reward for our giving what is the most precious thing we have, which is time on this earth. Yes. we are given money in return for our labour, which allows us the ability to partake in some of life’s manufactured and dubious pleasures. If no one had noticed before now, nothing is free any more. If the government knew that I enjoyed the view from the front door of my home they would probably charge for that too. No reward is sufficient for the amount of valuable time we spend in manufacturing products which will end up in landfill.

When I was growing up, it wasn’t necessary for both parents to work. One parent working would provide for the whole household, leaving one at home to look after the kids. At this time, we children still had respect for our parents and didn’t treat them like friends or worse. So it was essential to be straight home after school and do things like homework, before going out to play. In short, there was always an adult at home and much time was spent doing things as a family.

My Mother went to work in my early teens and all hell broke loose, I have to say. No one in the house all day and I had the key. I had school dinners for the first time in my life and was able to enjoy the same freedoms as other kids who took them, once lunch was over. This would usually involve smoking as many cigarettes as possible before afternoon class started and making plans for after school. Our family was never the same again. It was beyond the comprehension of a teenager, as it still is now, how, when we had a good lifestyle as things stood, a move which was meant to enhance this lifestyle just made things worse.

So, despite all these labour saving devices, instead of creating more comfortable lifestyles, the amount of labour required has increased by many hundred percent of what was once regarded as the national workforce. Until now, when robotic machinery is playing an ever increasing role in the workplace.

Machines have enormous benefits for employers. It takes all the hard work and headaches out of employing a human to to do the same job. No wages to pay, no strikes, no arguments on the shop floor about the best way to do something, no contracts of employment. A machine just gets on quietly with what it has to do for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, with minimal input from a human being, and this seems to be the future as far as manufacturing and even farming are concerned. Retail is some way down the line already as we barely have to move from our chair to effect a purchase.

It will be interesting to see what the powers that be have in store for all the newly made redundant populus. I wonder if this could be why there are so many basic income experiments being carried out around the world at the moment, or is there something more sinister afoot ? The former will bring about a form of global communism and it will be interesting to guage the reactions of the, usually benign, middle classes, as the poor are elevated to their status. What will be even more interesting is if the reverse happens.

Acceptance will be the key for that to work along with education from an early age, and judging from the quality of protests we see, progress is already being made in that direction.

As ever, only valuable time will tell.


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Stock Market Investments…

… have never figured in my ways to make money before now. Its very difficult to find a commodity to which the stock market will respond. However, if I had any spare cash, I would invest it all in the chocolate manufacturing industry, getting in now at entry level before share prices escalate.Stock Market Investments

The logic behind this is very simple. Cannabis. It seems that, not too far into the future, there is a good chance that cannabis will be legalised, as multiple uses and benefits are being ” discovered ” on a daily basis. Irrespective of how it is used, the unavoidable side effect of cannabis is The Munchies, which is where chocolate makes it’s well documented entrance.

More users means an increase in chocolate bar demand and I envisage massive future growth in sales. It will create a logistical headache for the manufacturers as they try to meet the increased consumption, which may result in a black market for a period.

The profits from legal cannabis will be taken by the government and large pharmaceutical companies who will use them to further the health and well being of the public ( ? ), but I would assume that chocolate is fair game for the time being.

If you look around the internet, even on Amazon, cannabis is readily available to buy in some shape or form as marketing professionals get a foot on the ladder. Its projected uses are mainly medicinal and as a herbal remedy. I find it difficult to argue with it’s medicinal benefits. I had a friend some years ago who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The symptoms overtook him swiftly and soon he was confined to a wheelchair. I’m unsure if he used cannabis before, but he started to use it then, telling me that he knew it wouldn’t cure him, but it relieved the physical pain he was in, day in and day out, and for that reason I was happy for him.

But what a shot in the arm it would be for the government if cannabis were legalised in its most used form.  As a ” recreational drug “. They would suddenly find themselves in control of a population who give even less of  a f**k than what they do at the moment. Decades have been spent trying to brainwash us with television, kill us with smoking and make us all alcohol dependent, which caused more problems than they solved. And all the time , the answer to their problem was hiding in plain site, in the shape of a naturally growing herb, which costs very little to produce and which they can shower with taxation. The result would be a chilled out malleable population and lots of money. Every politician’s dream.

It won’t have gone unnoticed that cannabis use is no longer a crime although technically it is. If a police officer had spotted me smoking my first joint, I would have spent a few years behind bars. That the government is ignoring it’s growing presence in society means that it’s legitimacy is just around the corner, or several corners , as is the Tory way.

Personally, I fear that it would lead me back to alcohol as has been proven on many occasions in the past. One complimented the other , I found, as the abyss beckoned once again. Therefore I doubt that I will be joining this new found ” freedom ” being bestowed by our generous leaders. For me, the future is chocolate.


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If Governments Were Honest…

… they would probably tell us that what they would like above all else is something they could add to the water supply which would make each and every one of us into the calm, obedient servants they would prefer, in order that they could get on with doing things that THEY think governments should be doing. if governments were honest

Governments don’t just think about today or tomorrow. Some are working on plans from external sources which encompass the next 50 years or so, and for these plans to reach fruition, the same political party doesn’t even have to be in office. With the benefit of hindsight, its possible to see that, despite there having been several changes of administration over the last fifty years, things have generally gone from bad to worse with each successive government, as policies and social experiments fail to meet expectations.

Today’s governments are tasked with achieving ambitious targets which are obviously detrimental to those selected for target practice. Their attitude would seem to be, ” What price a little death and social unrest if the end result result complies with the allocated target ? “, as another piece of the puzzle is inserted into someone else’s Utopian jigsaw. Everything seems to have gone ” tits up “, as it were, with our elected officials subservient to some New World Order instead of we, the people. Stop electing them might be the answer, as they have done in America, but Britain needs new blood in the system if that were to succeed. That doesn’t mean you, Tony Blair. You were tried, tested and miserably failed.

Talking about killing. Population or depopulation targets seem to be an intrinsic part of the plan for the future, ( see, The Georgia Guidestones ). It is a well known fact that fluoridation of the water supply has been implemented over the years. the georgia gudestonesIt is a lesser known fact, at least in my part of the world, that fluoride is a waste product from the production of aluminium. Is there a problem with disposing of aluminium waste I wonder, as they spray aluminium particles from aircraft in the pretext of reflecting the sun’s rays to stop global warming. However, as we all know, what goes up must come down, and the very nature of microscopic particles mean that they can be easily ingested by humans and animals alike. Vegetation is coated and destroyed and our ocean and water courses and marine life is affected.

It comes as no surprise that none of these ideas are run by the public before being implemented at great expense to the taxpayer. They would have been laughed off the face of the planet. These particles were always meant to come down. Any person to have survived the second world war will remember the chaff that was released to deflect enemy radar. Is it still up there? Its safe to say no on this occasion, so why should this modern chaff be any different ? With opinions riding high on the existence or not of global warming and climate change, they are on precarious ground to suggest that they had the ability to deflect the heat and light and sheer power of the sun with particles.

The Earth ( in whichever shape ) has always been here and survived much worse than anything we ignorant humans can throw at it. It will save and heal itself. How arrogant of us to think we could possibly help, if , indeed, any healing process is required. It didn’t need saving during any other generation’s lifetime so why, all of a sudden, this one ? Scientists want to keep their research grants and politicians are their messengers who want to maintain their justification for existence could be a simplistic answer.

Politicians need to manufacture crises in order that we turn to them for help. It makes both parties think that they are valuable and essential to our daily lives, and there is nothing worse than a politician who believes he is valued or essential. Our morals, values and belief systems have been eroded by the cultural Marxists who infiltrated the upper echelons of our education systems and destroyed the concepts of family and religious faith so that the only thing left for people to trust was their government. It was beyond rational thought to the man in the street that these crises could be preordained and preconceived, but not any more.

People are waking up to what is going on and are aware of the little games politicians play with our lives and our health in their endless quest to balance the books. That won’t stop them trying unfortunately and in many cases it won’t stop them succeeding until everyone is reading from the same script. The one that states categorically , our rights as human beings, what that entitles us to, and what no other human being has the right to take away in any circumstance.

Our governments must be stopped governing by agenda, theory and experiment. Smaller is always better and more easily managed, as it could be in the case of Britain, instead of us trying to be a player in this globalisation nonsense where we are a nation of statistical entries on someone’s spreadsheet.

The revolution has begun and some results are already apparent. As they say in Formula 1 racing we have to ” keep pushing “, before another world war removes the possibility from our hands entirely.


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Crawling Under A Bush…

… and staying there for some time till the coast is clear is a good way to avoid trouble.crawling under a bush However in the case Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, more extreme measures might be required, as a bush will offer less than adequate protection.

It was reported this morning, that he implied, that Scottish Nationalism is akin to racism, thereby insulting 45% of the Scottish public who voted for independence in the recent referendum. With this hanging over him, Mr Khan is booked to give a speech at the Scottish Labour Party conference later today. Even without any more faux pas, he has still done nothing to enhance the appeal of the Labour Party in general, which seems to be waging a constant battle of wills , personality clashes and confusion, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the current political situation.

The current Labour Party seems to be full of bad actors who take the stage in an attempt to sound convincing, but fail to persuade. Therefore the part they were auditioning for is taken by another equally mediocre but slightly more vocally adept player, and the result is the status quo. That these people are puppets is never in question but surely they could develop their speech and mannerisms to match their aspirations.

Could this be just another publicity stunt designed to bring attention to what is a usually lacklustre affair ? If so, its in extremely poor taste and displays complete lack of judgement by his advisers. I’m looking forward to seeing how Khan tries to worm his way out of this one. If diplomacy fails, I wonder which card will be played.

Across The Pond…

…things are as lively as ever as the mainstream media continue their rocky relationship with the new White House administration which is always fun.

American politicians thrive on publicity, more so than most other nations, and love to hear their own comments and see their own faces on television. More to do with sponsorship than narcissism I suspect. However Trump is excluding some , what are usually, influential companies and personalities from the White House press conferences.

I can’t blame him in a lot of ways. He wants them to report what he actually said in the context in which he said it. He doesn’t want them going back to their office and twisting his words to give an entirely different meaning, or shifting his phrases around to suit someone else’s agenda. Most newspapers and television are full of misquotes and misleading video clips which put an entirely new slant on what was originally intended, because the editors know that very few of us are likely to go and crosscheck, and will accept their version for what it is.

This approach could change journalism as we know it but only after a long struggle. Murdoch and Co won’t go down without a fight. That’s when things could turn nasty and the Council on Foreign Relations have yet to show their hand outside of the pointless protests.

Whatever happens, there are world changing events still to unfold which will alter the futures of us all.


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Yesterday’s Protest Against President Trump’s Visit…

…was yet another dazzling display of where priorities lie for some of the British public.protest Whilst they protest against one man visiting our country, our National Health Service is being quietly dismantled and sold off in the background, amongst other important issues.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the same amount of energy could be mustered for things that actually matter ? Of course, President Trump will be delighted to see that his motivational skills are working, but I don’t really think it will bother him too much. His attentions seem to be focused on his own country where he lives and works and a day out in the UK can always wait till some other time.

On the grand scale of things , Britain isn’t that important, although we would like to think we are. The only real point of interest in Britain for foreign governments is the City of London where the fiscal laundries exist. Apart from that, we have been stripped of anything that anyone else wants or needs that they can’t get cheaper somewhere else.

So, why do people rise up against things that have absolutely nothing to do with them directly ? Things which will have absolutely no impact on our lives and merely postpone the inevitability of President Trump visiting Britain at some point. The new American President has been a godsend for British politics. The mainstream media in the UK has presented Trump as the only thing that’s important right now and whilst everyone concentrates on Trump, our government has been pushing other issues through Parliament which WILL have an effect on our lives. While watching the right hand, we need to be keeping an eye on what the left hand is doing.

The mainstream media still has a large influence in Britain at the moment. This has become less in America as their lies have become exposed. So why should it be any different in the UK ? Our media is owned by the same corporations as America and, therefore, are subject to the same political agenda. Perhaps , as America recovers from the Obama/Bush years people will start to become more aware and stop relying on the television to dictate to them what they should be doing and how they should feel about situations.

Its with a degree of sadness and disappointment in certain groups of our society that I make these observations but hope that the awakening will come in time to arrest the prospect of martial law or a third world conflict.


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Behind The Veil Revealed…

… is a series of 8 videos of varying lengths, which I found intriguing. Everyone asks the question ” Why ? “, at least once in their life time, and Behind the Veil Revealed goes a long way to providing an insight to some relevant issues of today, and the reasons behind successive governments concealing them from us.

behind the veil revealed

As stated previously, the lengths vary, but I found this to be irrelevant, as each episode kept me so enthralled that I failed to notice the time pass. I’ll leave you with the link for the first part which is here, Its easy from there to link to the others. Well worth a few hours of our time for the enlightenment value in my opinion.


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Knowledge of Current Affairs…

… should be an essential part of a politician’s toolkit, one would surmise.Knowledge of Current Affairs However, this week, politicians on both sides of the Atlantic demonstrated an astonishing lack of knowledge about certain crucial areas of their jobs.

A politician would always do well to remember the following guidelines:

  1. Where you are.
  2. Who the present leader is.
  3. Who is doing what to whom.

The ” where you are ” scenario arose in the House of Commons as John Bercow , Speaker of the House of Commons, decided to give an impromptu and unsolicited speech regarding President Trump’s suitability to speak to them in the Palace of Westminster. This, despite numerous tyrants and dictators, including those in office, having been awarded the privilege over the years. For those who aren’t aware of the protocol, he is not allowed to do this and should remain impartial in all matters. The reasons he did this are known only unto himself but there can be little doubt that some aspirations for his future career come in to the equation.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, Nancy Pelosi ( no stranger to the faux pas ) is of the impression that Bush is President and Maxine Waters thinks that Vladimir Putin is invading Korea. I bet that got Kim Jong Un peeking through the curtains to check for Russian troops in his garden.

All very amusing, and adding to the amusement, their aides are standing behind them absolutely straight faced, either in a display of remarkable self control or perhaps they just weren’t listening.

The common thread running in politics in Britain and the USA at the moment would seem to be defiance of government policies by those not in office. Nothing wrong with that. That’s exactly the purpose of having an opposition, so that the government doesn’t get a free ride and is always being called into question. That’s all fine if something good emerges from the argument, but the impression I’m gettting is that the opposition are opposing just because they can  and that there is some sort of personal vendetta going on against President Trump which has nothing directly to do with his policies. Its equivalent to kids acting up on a new teacher’s first day at school.

Politicians are elected representatives of the people. People who expect them to put aside such trivial playground nonsense and get on with the job they are paid to do.

As a layman, it appears preposterous that judges can overrule an executive order and interfere in the political process. If that is the case , then what need is there for government ? The courts apparently know what is best for us.

In my opinion they don’t. They have no place in organising the security of a nation and in the USA they are prolonging a necessary security precaution, due to either their political or financial persuasion. Politics and money have always been bedfellows and in the above situation one should be asking ” who benefits ? “. All the surveillance equipment they employ to watch over us should be turned inwards to where the heart of society’s problems lie.

Knowledge used properly is a wonderful thing, but in order to use it properly, one must first possess some. When I listen to some politicians, I get the impression that they are not in full possession of the knowledge they require to speak on a given subject and what they do have is a speed read version of the facts written by someone else.

Will things change ? Will governments stop using philosophical experiments to control us ? Only if we want them to would seem to be the answer but at the time of writing I don’t think that there are sufficient who do. Everywhere I go I see butts sticking out of the ground as people bury their heads further in the sand but I still take comfort in the fact that where there is life there is hope.


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Death And Taxes…

… the only two things certain to occur in our brief excursion to this planet of ours. Death occurs but once and is inevitable and non negotiable with no loopholes.taxes Taxes are a different animal entirely.

From the day our birth is registered until our demise, every second of our lives is subject to a tax of some kind.

On a typical day, although you weren’t aware of it, you were taxed as you slept. Your liability for council tax never takes a rest. You may even be liable for a bedroom tax. When we rise in the morning and switch on the kettle to boil for a morning tea or coffee, we incur more taxes. The taxes we pay on our water and electricity. Our cornflakes and milk and sugar are subject to value added tax as are our clothes. If you switch on the television to watch the news, this is covered by a licensing fee.  As you sit back in your car for the journey to work, more taxes come into play, i.e. road tax and tax on fuel. If you enjoy a smoke on the way to work, you have already paid a tax for the privilege and a drink on the way home will be subject to excise duty and more tax.

If someone works for a company, they are subject to income tax, which is deducted at source, and national insurance, the purpose of which, has become increasingly unclear as time goes by. If a person is self employed then he has a minefield to negotiate to avoid paying too much tax and usually has to line a very expensive accountant’s pockets to avoid doing so.

Income tax has always been a thorn in the side of the public. I remember, many years ago, when income tax came down and national insurance payments went up never to come down again, although income tax managed to struggle its way up again in ensuing budgets. The government didn’t think we would notice of course. They were, and still are, labouring under the assumption that we are all thick and don’t understand all these things that governments have to do, as they implement their insidious “stealth” taxes on the less fortunate members of society.

This all got me wondering why people would go out and work harder than ever, risking the integrity of their family unit, in order to pay taxes. After all, your wages are an agreed sum, between you and your employer, given in exchange for your labour. Your labour is yours to give, yours alone, and as such, any reward should not be classed as income. The money is a contractually agreed sum between you and the person hiring you and nothing whatsoever to do with government.

Little wonder then, that they deduct this tax at source. If you are classed as self employed, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs will pursue you relentlessly and make your life very awkward if you should disagree with their assessments. Should you fail to make payment, a jail sentence can be administered instead.

I get the sense of public apathy on this issue. People say that its the way we do things and its the way we have always done it. We keep paying more and more taxes for fear of the repercussions if we don’t. The people in the treasury department juggle numbers to make things look more appealing but at the end of the day, only the rich are better off. These small percentages which are bandied about at budget time mean very little to the poor and middle class, but translated to the upper class can mean a difference of many hundreds of thousands or millions ( as if they need any more).

Unless we wake up and invoke radical change and campaign for a fairer system and a fairer society, for the time being, all we have to look forward to is the same old, Death and Taxes.


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