Tricks Of The Trade…

…are very useful things to know if you have decided to do some DIY around the home and they are readily available on the internet if you do a bit of searching.Tricks of the Trade When the phrase, tricks of the trade, is applied to governments and politicians, it takes on an entirely different meaning and when used in this context, its unlikely that any information will be found at the exact time that the tool was used.

Only many years later does information make it’s way to the surface which demonstrates exactly how the public were fooled and how easily it was done. Because, their particular trick involves manipulation of the press and media in order to shape public opinion in favour of a policy which is only loosely connected to the real reason.

For example, in the 50’s and 60’s we were led to believe that nuclear power was the answer to all of our energy problems and because it would cost pennies to produce , it would reduce our fuel bills to next to zero. This made it extremely attractive to the public, as the government knew it would. In reality, fuel bills have sky rocketed over the ensuing decades, particularly since privatisation.

Also, in reality, there is no such thing as nuclear power. Nuclear reactors were once described as nothing more than extremely expensive water boilers. Which is what they do. They heat water to produce steam, to drive turbines which produce electricity. Exactly the same job as coal and hydro operated power stations had been doing for years. However, coal and hydro don’t have the ability to produce the, hugely sought after , weapons grade by products which bring in vast revenues to the owners. Hence, why we were sold the nuclear lie.

Another example is bottled water. As an older person , it makes me smile that people are fooled into buying something which was once free for all. In every town in Britain, there used to be drinking fountains in every town square and other locations. To the best of my knowledge, no one ever died after drinking from them as the water supplies were checked on a daily basis for any harmful substance which might have made it’s way into the supply.

So has something happened to the natural water over the years ? Or is this just another example of making money from nothing ? The bottles themselves are quite handy I suppose, as you can fill them from the tap, if you are going to be away from home for a time. I defy anyone to tell the difference. However, I guess the powers that be had to find another way of getting fluoride into us , since it was restricted in mains water supplies, and they want us to pay for the privilege.

If you look around at the everyday things and life’s necessities which we pay for, you can bet your boots that, not so long ago, these things were free or could be had at negligible cost. We are sold wars against countries which pose no threat to us, then asked to pick up the pieces of the broken men returning from them by donating to charities, and give shelter to the victims of the destruction wrought by us. Meanwhile the weapons dealers are doing nicely , thank you.

We are sold theories and concepts such as global warming , climate change and space exploration. Huge industries have grown around these myths and their shareholders have benefited massively. The public are rewarded with photo shopped images and graphs which ” prove ” something because they were sourced from  a scientist, who must be very clever. Clever should never be confused with intelligent. All the intelligent people are out here disproving everything that the clever people are telling us and exposing the trickery.

Therefore, when someone is trying to sell you something as fact from a television screen or radio broadcast, always ask ” Why ?”. Always ask yourself ” If not me, then who will benefit from this ?” I can almost guarantee that the trail will always lead back to the Central Banks, the Corporations and emerging powers outside of Russia and China.

Please feel welcome to leave a comment below.


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An Exciting Week in International Events…

…headed, of course, by the American bombing of Syria in response to a chemical attack by President Assad on his own people. Just when he was doing so well. An Exciting Week In International EventsFreud would probably diagnose some sado/masochistic tendencies with a bit of of psychopathy hanging around somewhere in there too. If , indeed, these events are true. And that’s what makes it exciting.

Exciting too, is the news that Kim Jong Un , leader of North Korea, intends to nuke the United States, should the Carl Vinson carrier group get too close for his personal comfort, and by all reports he intends to carry out yet another missile test this weekend just to prove that he can. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Americans decided to test one of their anti missile attack weapons at the same time and shot Kim’s experiment from the skies. Just to prove they can.

This type of action would have a far greater effect than bombs causing destruction and loss of human life. It would, at once, negate Korea as a viable nuclear threat and prove that America can deal with anything which they have. This would also destroy Kim’s credibility within his own country as people realise that all his nuclear posturing is fruitless. Combine this with China no longer importing coal from North Korea, which was the mainstay of the North Korean economy, and you have a country on a downward spiral.

In other news, we had Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, being found guilty of ignorance by the mainstream media, and sentenced to multiple headlines and column inches due to his mention of Adolf Hitler in one of his replies. Surely the press must realise by now that Adolf Hitler is any press agent’s race card. Perhaps not, as the ensuing furore demonstrated. Hitler is an often used ruse in the situation where a press secretary finds himself painted into a corner and needs to find a quick exit. The very mention of Hitler sets ears pricking universally and a manic leaping around begins as the initial purpose of the interview is entirely forgotten in a flurry of self righteous accusatory articles.

Meanwhile, the Press Secretary wipes his brow, sighs with relief and moves on. The irony is that, had he mentioned George Wasn’tme Bush, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Barrack Obama and many others in this context, it would have, under no circumstances, have provoked the same sense of outrage which the mainstream media were directing us to feel.

Europe has had it’s fair share of excitement this week also. This shoud be extremely worrying, as it seems to be increasingly becoming the norm. Attacks on native citizens and their property, in all European nations by ” refugees “, continue unabated and largely unchecked, due to lack of resources being aimed at this problem and a lacklustre approach by individual governments and the EU. Even the attack on football this week, which is bigger and more popular than any religion, has failed to provoke a visible reaction against what was a blatant threat to a sport which many hold more dear to their hearts than their families.

What is galling, apart from this being allowed to happen, is the futility of it all and the ignorance of the people involved. What is happening is part of a much bigger scenario. The powers that be have a plan for a new world order. One government for the entire world, ( probably the United Nations ), one leader, one political system and one religion. And that religion will not be Muslim. However, what is happening is serving it’s purpose and clearing the pathway towards the ultimate goal.

In the UK, the shafting of the people by the government continues. Hard, fast and relentless, as the people get poorer and the government get richer. Swingeing cuts have been made to the benefit payments for the disabled and equally, for working families at the lower end of the scale. Presumably, the government are taking action now before the country is swamped by benefit claiming migrants.

Long term inhabitants in the areas of their birth can no longer afford to take advantage of their facilities which were once open to all. Places where social interaction takes place are now priced well beyond the means of the less well off meaning that communication between the classes is restricted, whereas it was once encouraged and considered vital for a healthy society.

I can’t play golf now due to my health but I’ll use it as an example of the above. I have a golf course about ten yards from where I’m sitting at the moment. It costs £100 to play a round of golf on this course and it’s always busy. £100 is about 3 times what my wife and I spend on food for a week. So even if I could play golf, and I was good back in the day, I couldn’t afford to, although the course is almost part of my back garden. It makes me wonder how much talent is being lost and overlooked by the ” if its not making money, let’s make it make money ” attitude.

People who were born around the same time as me , in the 1950’s, may share the same view as myself. Which is, that we paid into what was once a fair system most of our lives in order to insure against hard times and illness. Also to fund a health service, along with other public services, for all. When we witness people from alien nations entering our country, which our forefathers fought wars to keep free, claiming benefits which we paid for, then having to adjust our lifestyles because of cuts, it does not make for a happy atmosphere around the campfire. I despair when I see politicians awarding themselves pay rises when there is so much destitution where once there was none.

In summary, we’re all fucked. See you down the reservation.


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Dissenter or Conspiracy Theorist…

…which flavour do you prefer ? It doesn’t matter really, they are both one and the same, only the term dissenter has been around for an awful lot longer than the term conspiracy theorist. I’ve given the definition of ” dissent ” below courtesy of :

verb (used without object)


to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from):
Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision.


to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.


to disagree with or reject the doctrines or authority of an established church.



difference of sentiment or opinion.


disagreement with the philosophy, methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government.


separation from an established church, especially the Church of England; nonconformity.

#2 gives a perfect description of how a conspiracy theorist is regarded and portrayed by the mainstream media. Only the label is different. Dissenter or Conspiracy TheoristBut to class conspiracy theorists in the same vein as famous dissenters like Noam Chomsky, G. Edward Griffin, Alan Watts Howard Zinn and David Icke who also have many other strings to their bows, would be lending credence to the conspiracy theorists ideas which may just as well have been picked up off the street, as far as the mainstream media are concerned.

So, what’s in a word ? Quite a bit in this case. The term ” conspiracy theorist ” was invented and used by the mainstream media as a derogatory term, designed to negate any effect that an opposing view to the government’s might have, and to dismiss it out of hand as nonsensical and crazy.

The conspiracy theorist him/herself is mostly described as some kind of nutter who may or may not have a mentally debilitating illness, and lives on some far away planet of his own, isolated from the real world, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Dissenters, however, are regarded in a manner never afforded to conspiracy theorists. Why ? Because they are academics and scholars is why. And because of the scholarly nature of their opinions, they are deemed worth listening to and paying heed to, except by the majority of their academic and scholarly colleagues who are too embroiled in the money side of academia to publicly acknowledge the validity of their arguments, lest their gravy train grinds to a halt.

Another why ? Because dissenters are also labelled as philosophers, and we all know what that means. A philosopher conjures up a vision of a man with long white hair and a white beard who sits around all day in a Grecian style portico, thinking. I could think of better ways to spend my time as could most of us. We are all philosophers to a greater or lesser degree. If we have a brain and think, then we have a right to assume the title ” philosopher “. Try telling them that on the next visit to the job centre.

We are conditioned from an early age to accept that certain people are our superiors. Not so. Just because someone spends more time than you on an activity in which you are not really interested does not grant them superiority and the reverse is also true. I firmly believe that, given the right training and circumstances, all human beings are more than capable of doing any job. Which is the reason why the best and most lucrative jobs are so fiercely protected by the incumbents and why information is so difficult to extract from them.

Where do conspiracy theorists get their ideologies ? From their own original thought processes and other dissenters I would imagine. For myself, I couldn’t believe the astonishing ineptitude of those in office and decided to try to find out who actually runs the show. That led me to watch hundreds hours of videos and read many written articles, taking notes as I did so, and I could imagine the same scenario taking place in makeshift workstations all over the world. After that it was simply a matter of applying some of what I had learnt to the real life situations developing in front of my very eyes.

Therefore, I would think twice in future about labeling someone a conspiracy theorist. For the most part these people are not nutters, as the press would have us believe. Their theories are well thought out with roots in academia ( if such an endorsement is really necessary ) and if you take notice, you’ll see that no one wants to debate them. Only shut them down.

Dissent is nothing new. It’s happening right now, perhaps within your own family, as your kids conspire not to do their daily chores, but it isn’t going to bring the house crashing down and with a bit of diplomacy the situation will end amicably. Dissent is healthy in any society because it brings to light any faults in the system and provokes dialogue. The fact that the modern day dissenters are being vilified and their theories being trodden underfoot, demonstrates the seriousness with which administrations actually take them, as they are dangerous to to the government’s agenda.

If proof is needed, look no further than the climate change non event which is apparently all our fault. A whole industry, making billions for the corporations, grew up around this theory and just today I read that scientists, who also made millions from this theory by keeping the myth alive, no longer have a consensus on the matter. ” Conspiracy theorists ” have been saying for years that it was a whitewash.

Conspiracy theorist or dissenter seems still to be up for debate, but it’s only a battle of words and their meaning to whomsoever uses them. The end product is the same in each case and not the product of crystal ball gazing or reading tea leaves left behind in a china cup.


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Restoring Your Confidence In Someone…

…once it has been breached, is never as simple as just going back to how things were before. Restoring Your ConfidenceAfter all, someone has just taken your trust and respect for them and dashed it against a wall. Therefore, depending on the circumstances, restoring your confidence usually takes some time, during which, a rebuilding of trust can can be allowed to happen.

However, things are never quite the same as they were first time round. Now, an element of doubt has been thrown into the mix and when an ambiguous situation arises, a decision has to be made by you whether to give the person the benefit of that doubt or not, bearing in mind their past behaviour.

I find myself in that very situation regarding Donald Trump’s recent act of aggression in Syria, if indeed, it was he who was the creator of the piece and implementer of the operation.

I saw Trump’s ascension to President as a good thing and although I’m many thousands of miles away, he had my support throughout the campaign and since. His policy of ” America First ” was an admirable step to take in the globalist atmosphere which is being thrust upon us. I naively thought that, by later this year, the troops would be heading home, having withdrawn from the Middle East.

Then Syria happened on Thursday.

We could analyze this till the cows come home and still be no further forward, but I haven’t felt so disappointed since I discovered the possibility that Father Christmas might not exist. It all came on the back of the announcement that overthrowing Assad would no longer be the priority case for the Americans earlier in the week. Then, all of a sudden, it was once more. It was like watching them do the Hokey Cokey. In, out, shake Assad about.

As I said previously, this indicated to me that leaving Assad alone was not part of the bigger picture and the master plan that the Establishment have for Syria. It also indicated to me that, although Trump may have carte blanche to do what he will within the confines of the United States of America, anything outwith these confines is not within his jurisdiction. Enter, the Council on Foreign Relations.

It would seem that most Americans are unaware of just how much the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve affect their daily lives, just as we in Britain are only vaguely aware of the existence of Chatham House and other private clubs, where many of the policies which affect us are drawn up. These ” think tanks ” are owned and manned privately by corporations and heads of wealthy institutions, sometimes not even from our own countries, and because our elected members seem to be economy driven, they pander to these people who have only profit in mind. They should have no influence whatsoever in the running of our countries or our relationships with other nations.

Draining the swamp is no easy task and unless the bombing of the Syrian airfield was part of a cunning ruse by Donald Trump to further that end, I fear that he will be restricted, as were John F Kennedy and President Eisenhower before him. I could almost accept that Trump and his advisers acted independently of the Council on Foreign Relations, but in that case I would like to see the pictures of the CFR members diving for cover under the boardroom table, awaiting retaliation from Moscow. If the opposite is true then Trump will merely exist as the place at which the buck stops, and as a mouthpiece for a non governmental institution of which Dick Cheney was once Director, a fact which he kept secret from the electorate, and Hilary Clinton went to for advice on foreign policy whilst in government. You Tube video here.

On that basis, I’m prepared to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt. The amazingly speedy reversal of  Assad’s status spoke volumes, as did the the ensuing action. It all points to a stitch-up in my opinion. Although my confidence is dented, I’m sure it will be fully restored when he manages to abolish or dismantle the Council on Foreign Relations and all that it stands for. My swamp draining manual states that every last piece of shit should be removed before attempting any renovation work.

Sober Vision

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Reactionary Measures…

…can often be justified in certain situations when used to avert any further breach of human rights ( if there are such a thing ), but the reactionary measures taken in Syria by the American government appear to be an overreaction to an event where the perpetrators and cause are still to be established.Reactionary Measures

Many theories will be doing the rounds on many mainstream media outlets, and I’m sure that the official version will emerge through time. But will the truth?

I’m sure that many American people, upon seeing this scenario unfold, will have a sense of same old, same old. A change in government, but no change in foreign policy. A stark realisation that someone else is calling the shots as far is that is concerned and Donald Trump has no say in the matter.

The misuse of chemical weapons by Assad seems to be the main issue here and is projected as being the reason for firing 59 cruise missiles into Syrian territory. I have to ask at this point, what substance was contained in these missiles ? Humanity ? Democracy perhaps ? Cuddly Toys ? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is chemicals. Highly explosive chemicals which destroy anything in their path,  killing and wounding thousands of people and animals.

The chemical used in the warheads of these missiles is called PBXN-107. It means nothing to me, apart from the fact that this was developed, for its given purpose, by teams of human beings like you and me. And there the similarity ends for most of us. A recent breakthrough in the technical design of this missile means that, on hitting it’s target, the missile’s unspent fuel will ignite, spreading a ball of flame and heat, nuclear style, to immediate surroundings. Sometimes I find it hard to accept that my fellow humans can even contemplate these things with intent.

I’m not condoning anything that Assad’s regime may or may not have done. In 2014, Assad surrendered all of his chemical arsenal, but its not beyond the realms of possibility that chemical weapons could have been brought in across the border from Iran, by those who would wish to overthrow Assad.

What should also be considered is the coincidence theory. At the beginning of the week, Rex Tillerson announced that Assad’s removal from power would no longer be part of the American agenda for Syria. The very next day there was a chemical attack, along with allegations that it was carried out at the behest of Assad’s government and quickly followed by missile strikes before a proper investigation had been initiated. Tillerson had been forced to make a U turn that a Formula 1 driver would have been proud of and Assad’s removal was once more back on the menu.

Haven’t we all seen this before ? Several times over the last decades if my memory serves me correctly. False flag operations which end up in huge scale conflicts. However, the speed and the blatancy with which all this was accomplished in Syria speaks volumes. The powers that be are sending a clear message and letting us know that as far as foreign policy and the Middle East are concerned, Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson et al have no say in the matter.

Were chemical weapons even used ? Maybe I’m becoming more and more skeptical, but the photographic evidence doesn’t stand up to close scrutiny any longer and the press are next to useless when trying to obtain an unbiased account. An example of this occurred this week also, as the BBC reported on the bombing in St Petersburg, suggesting that Vladimir Putin may have , himself, been responsible. It is ironic that, over the last few decades, Britain and America have been responsible for many wars which they cunningly engineered their way in to, but never a word was said nor printed to suggest this had taken place.

Maybe the American government still have a contract with Raytheon, left over from the Obama years, which calls for them to purchase X amount of missiles per year until some time in the future. It cost around 30 million dollars to buy these missiles which were used and now they have to be replaced. They aren’t the type of thing that you can go and pick up the empty casing and refill it so that its good to go again. You have to get a brand new one. Like everything else, they have a ” use-by” date, because technology is ever moving ahead as we invent new ways to bring death and destruction to our fellows. Whatever the reason, you can be sure that money is at the root of it all.

My conclusion about government policy is that, although all chemical weapons are inherently bad and to be avoided whenever possible, some, especially the ones that we use, are ok even in copious amounts, and in the long run it will be beneficial to the economy.

Mr President, Madam Prime Minister, that’s bullshit and you know it, the difference being that nowadays the people know it too.


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Education For The Masses…

…was never going to end well. The results of our education system can be seen in the shape of the protests on our streets and the irrationality of reactions to the ” terrorist ” attacks and other events which are happening across the world.Education for the Masses

The purpose of many protests in Britain is about issues which were done and dusted a decade or more ago, and no one opposes them any more. Maybe its a memory refreshing exercise, or just an excuse to grandstand and bring attention to underlying issues which bear no relation to the goals of the protest.

I won’t go overly into the history of education here, because it differs in all parts of the United Kingdom and its a huge subject. Suffice to say that education evolved over a couple centuries until it became wholly controlled by the government and that’s when things started to go wrong. Isn’t it always the case ?

Originally, education was mainly for sons of the aristocracy and very wealthy who would go on to be aristocrats and very wealthy. Some benevolent industrialists introduced education into their factories, releasing infants and small children from the dangerous and dirty work they had to do, for at least part of the day. As education became more widespread and technology improved, children began to spend more time at schools provided by churches and independent benefactors. Eventually, state owned schools with state employed teachers came into existence and the system as we know it today was born.

This was perceived as a good thing and a benefit for the nation, and it probably was, at first. Children were being taught the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic ( the three r’s ) in order to prepare them for employment in the future and to be able to deal with the increasing amount of paperwork which was emerging. However, as with all good government ideas, the system was wide open to corruption and infiltration by those with their own political agendas and we end up with a system which bears little relation to what was intended.

Let’s face it, what better way is there to mould and shape a nation’s future than to capture it’s young people at an impressionable age, then to keep them imprisoned until an age when the message has well and truly been indelibly imprinted on their sub-conscious ? And to be able to achieve this legally, with the consent of all parties involved, is power indeed.

The corrupt process begins higher up in the food chain than simply at school level. People with agendas, who have the ear of governments with agendas, infiltrate our college and university establishments at high levels and are therefore allowed to implement their ideas in the material which is passed down to the teachers who , in turn, pass it on to our kids. Unless, of course, your child is privileged to be a pupil of a public or grammar school where the things that really matter are taught.

Teachers are paid to teach. A self explanatory statement you may think, but teachers can’t just go into a school and teach whatever they want. They teach a subject according to a curriculum which has been handed down to them by an authority, to whom the same instructions were handed down by some one else, until you reach the body who put the whole thing together in the first place. The teacher is merely the instrument used to disseminate the information. He or she has to leave their politics and moral values at the school gates.

Unfairness and inequality has always existed in the education system. It would appear that some people are chosen at birth to fill future positions of responsibility, whether they are ideally suited or not. The old boy’s network is still alive and well and thriving.

I can remember vividly, as I was nearing my final days in school, that someone visited our school to assist us in filling out our university entrance application forms. Assistance, because these things were intensive and many pages long and any mistakes or omissions would have rendered it useless. One particular section required us to express some choices of universities we would like to attend. Most of us elected for Scottish universities. One of my friends had entered Oxford then Cambridge. When the assistant came round to check this particular exercise, she mentioned to my friend that , in order to increase his chances of being accepted somewhere, he should perhaps select some Scottish universities also. However , my friend adamantly stated that it was only Oxford or Cambridge where he wanted to study and nothing else would suffice. I never did find out if he achieved his goal, but at the time I could sense that his chances would be slim.

Education is so important for all of us and its important that our children are taught the right things and that there is communication between the school and parents. The most substantial piece of communication these days seems to be regarding the contents of the child’s lunchbox. Our children and future society deserve much more than the cloning process which goes on today but it doesn’t suit the government’s agenda to produce intelligent and free thinking kids. They want a passive society who work for them, not the other way round as it should be. My hat comes off to those who have taken the step of educating their kids at home.

Everyone deserves the same chance at success and by denying those who are not in the old boys network this chance, we are denying ourselves the chance of being governed by the right people who have deservedly gained their position and hold the interests of the public above all else.

Education for the masses does not even remotely mean that everyone has automatic access to the same education, and the same opportunities in life.


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Legends, Myths And Fairy Tales…

…are a part of every nation’s folk history. Not confined, as we are led to believe, to the speeches of modern day politicians.Legends, Myths And Fairy Tales However, because these legends of folk history are passed down through many generations spanning several centuries, it is likely that there may be a factual element in their origin.

Might there have been giants walking our earth at some point , I wonder ? Like every kid of my generation I was treated to unlikely tales like Jack and the Beanstalk, and at Sunday School, classes were livened up by the story of David hastening Goliath’s demise with a single pebble from a slingshot. My friend and I, determined to emulate this feat , spent many fruitless hours in the woods after church, handkerchiefs tied in what we imagined a slingshot would look like and pockets full of ammunition, looking for giants. You may be surprised to learn that we didn’t find any, ( probably just as well ), and convinced that we had scared them all away, we went home for tea. I wonder if that’s what David did ?

Solid evidence exists which may explain ancient marvels like the pyramids of Egypt, the Mayan temples and other rarely heard of massive stone structures. Archaeologists have been scratching their heads and theorizing for centuries as to how these structures could have been built. Their answers include many wonderful engineering theories, with machines and tools being made from the materials which they assume were available at the time.

What if the answer was as simple as, that large people built them ? People , to whom stones of such magnitude wouldn’t have posed any problem to shape , lift and set in place. Archaeologists work on the assumption that people have always been the size we are today. What if there was a civilization which predates ours by some thousands of years ? At the moment, most archaeologists won’t venture down that route, because it would mean tearing up the history books as we know them and destroy hundreds of years of well thought out theories, including that of evolution.

Personally, the theory of evolution has always been a bit of a grey area. It proposes that we are descended from the apes and there are many diagrams which explain the stages of flux that we have undergone to get to where we are today. The problem lies in that there are millions of apes and millions of us, but nothing in between.

Remains of these giants have been found worldwide, many in America, but have been hidden away from public sight. Ecuador has bucked the trend and has on display in one of it’s museums, a reconstructed skeleton of a human being who was 20 feet tall. Carbon dating suggests that these people lived thousands of years BC, which would throw all science as has been theorized into disarray. Perhaps there never existed, the plethora of ages which we are told our planet endured.

In addition to this, other archaeologists and engineers have been making a more thorough examination of the techniques used in building what those in the know call ” Megaliths “. They have found that these structures are built with extraordinary precision. Perfect to within fractions of millimetres. Far from being just heaps of stones piled on top of one another they have been shaped using cutting tools and carefully set in place.

Further investigation uncovered that, although there was barely a gap between the stones, they were further held in place, jigsaw fashion, by metal links which sat neatly into perfectly machined recesses in the rocks. This would have required precision measurements and planning so that each rock fitted the next. It makes sense that an extremely tall person , assisted by other equally extremely tall people could have achieved this. Stonehenge might be an example of this.

A video which examines some of the rocks which have been cut using some kind of saw can be found here, and there are many other videos and articles which explain the phenomenon much better than I can.

History is always a bit hard to swallow, I’ve found. Its written by the victors of wars who’s arrogance never accounted for the revelation of truth in the future. Similarly archaeology. We believe the theories of archaeologists, however far fetched, because they are scholarly people who know all about their subject and live comfortably from it’s proceeds. Yet, hearsay isn’t admissible in court.

Should further research prove the actual veracity of the above discoveries, some serious rethinking about our origins will be necessary but it is good to know that there are still some in the realms of science who relentlessly question everything, past or present. Wouldn’t it be lovely if all the legends, myths and fairy tales turned out to be true ?


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