Breakthroughs In Electronic Gadgetry…

…are heralded every day across press and social media, as the latest computer innovation or smartphone which we simply can’t do without, apparently, are thrust temptingly into our field of vision to encourage us to buy them. These breakthroughs tend to make less of an impact when one learns that this technology has been available for over 100 years, courtesy of one Nikola Tesla.Breakthroughs In Electronic Gadgetry

Nikola Tesla lived between 1856 and 1943. He was of Serbian descent and after emigrating, became a naturalised American citizen. ( wiki here ) During his lifetime he filed many patents which were immediately classified by the American government. These included wireless communication via an instrument which would fit easily into a shirt pocket and free electricity for everyone, worldwide.

Its very easy to understand why his patents were classified. Then, as today, people were making huge amounts of money from the telecommunications and electrical supply industries and Tesla’s inventions would have completely upset the gravy train. Companies were spending trillions on long term investments in the infrastructure required to supply the consumer with the end product. Only then would they begin to see a return on their investment. Tesla’s inventions, on the other hand, would harness the power which exists all around us. Self generating power, which, as temporary shareholders of the planet we live on, we are entitled to tap in to.

His patents were recently declassified and can be found here.

Electric vehicles have been around for a long time. I remember the comforting clip-clop of horses hooves in the street beyond my bedroom window which marked the dawn of a new day, being replaced by the whine of an electric motor, as the milkman did his morning rounds. Electric versions of forklifts and other warehouse machinery have existed for some decades and many experiments with passenger vehicles have been attempted.

Due to the decline in oil supplies needed to make gasoline and just about everything tangible we consume, a whole new industry has emerged around electric vehicles and corporations are cashing in, also on the pretext of this global warming we hear about, from which many other industries have sprung. Its notable that entrepreneur Elon Musk has named his range of electric vehicles ” Tesla “, perhaps in a nod to the man who is responsible for his wealth. Of course, he would have to have been able to examine the classified documents before anyone else, and its beyond the bounds of all all reasonable supposition that this could have been allowed to happen. Isn’t it ?

The concept of free electricity exists in workable form. In today’s economic climate we are unlikely to ever benefit from it. Over the next couple of decades we will probably see the present infrastructure allowed to deteriorate and because of the inconvenience of power shutdowns every second day , causing disruptions to businesses and public unrest, the power companies will suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea. Tesla’s. Then they will proceed to bill us for it, and inconceivable as it may seem, they are working on this already.

All of this is another shining example of how people are being cheated by their governments and how banks and corporations rule the roost. Economics having precedence over the well being of the people who feed the economy. Whilst they are sitting with the solutions in their back pockets, people are suffering extreme hardships the world over. However, people are becoming increasingly more aware of what the corporations and bankers are up to and there will be a New World Order. Not one in the form which the bankers envisage, but one where the people have control of their own destiny in a free world, realising Tesla’s dream.


more to come…